Things that Make Me Happy

1-  Getting my cat to meow back at me.

dontcare_0 (1)

2- Asking my sister funny questions when she’s talking in her sleep and giggling like mad at her mumbling.

m downloading colours

3- Waking up and finding that I have still 30 minutes left before college and jumping back to bed for some last-minute beauty sleep.












4) Having a cup of tea with my family in the quiet afternoon.


5- Finding a hidden box in my cupboard with odd bits and pieces.

Treasure chest

6- Opening the refrigerator at night and finding yummy food to munch on (Because most of the time only tomatoes and green veggies are found in there)

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7- During exams randomly choosing from the four options given and getting the answer right.


8- Making a to-do list and completing every task on time.

9- Reading my old diaries and laughing about the stupid things I wrote back then.


10- Going shopping with my mom and coming back with hands full of stuff I never even went shopping for.


10- Completing a book of 300 pages in one day.


12- Coming home tired and finding out that my mom made my favorite dish, Biryani.

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13- Making my parents laugh.

17 Comments Add yours

  1. JF Owen says:

    I think your cat looks a little like me sitting in my chair at the end of a hard day 🙂


  2. Love this post, it made me laugh. i too love when my cat talks to me and my children laugh when we have a conversation. I use to be that sister that talked in her sleep, but it use to freak my sisters out lol.


    1. nanami20 says:

      hahaha thankyou for liking :)keep smiling 🙂


  3. annetbell says:

    specially love the little ones in the fridge! L O L ! thanks for the follow. Do return again soon and often! Blessings. . .


  4. I loved the cat reading the book!


  5. litadoolan says:

    This post made me smile. Food taken from the refrigerator at night always tastes good to me! Here’s to lots of giggles at reading back old diary pages ;-D


  6. shakilakhtar says:

    aah the briyani. and the picture looks soo real!


  7. You certainly know how to bring a smile to one’s face. Love your gravatar. Thanks for the follow …


    1. nanami20 says:

      Thankyou very much 🙂 bless you:)


  8. Sharifah says:

    A very enjoyable post….love the reading cat and the yummy-looking biryani! 🙂


  9. Thanks for the follow! Your blog is so delightful 😀


    1. nanami20 says:

      Thankyou so much 🙂


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