Forgive and Forget

Are you a human bean? If your answer is yes, then you  probably must have had a fight with some other human bean at least once in your life, right?  After the fight did you ever think of forgiving that person? Almost 99.9% of the people would definitely say no.

I myself would learn karate, get a black belt and kick that person’s bum instead of forgiving them. As for “FORGET”  excuse me what does that word even mean?



But not forgiving and forgetting has its consequences, for starters:

1- You’ll become old before your grandparents do. And when your grandchildren ask you, “Why is your hair white granny, is it because of wisdom?” You’ll have  no choice  but to tell them,

“ NO, I never forgave and therefore I also never forgot”


2- Instead of going to sleep at night like other people, you’ll lay awake in bed thinking of ways to take revenge, which could eventually lead to insomnia turning you into a zombie overnight.


3- You’ll miss treats. For example: If I have a fight with my sister and she has a box full of yummy delicious chocolates …………………. You know what I mean. But if I forgive :


4- People will follow you around like Paparazzi and if you do something wrong they also won’t forgive you and will definitely not forget.


5- The number of your enemies will increase which naturally results in a decrease in friends.


Therefore, the important question here arises, Do you see any benefits in not forgiving and forgetting? I DON’T.

It is therefore rightly said that “EVERY PROBLEM HAS A SOLUTION”.



But if doing so is still difficult: Just do one thing, Remember that person’s good points and the good they did for you.

Reasons why you and I should  “Forgive and Forget” :

1- GOD loves those who forgive others. So the quicker you forgive others the quicker GOD will forgive you as well.


2- You’ll have peace of mind. And that is much better than wasting money on sleeping pills.


3- You’ll be a  granny with healthy black hair.


4- Backbiting will decrease, which will make this world a happier place to live in.


5- You’ll have more friends in real life than you have on Facebook.


6- Paparazzi’s will go out of job…hehe.



Remember the best way to act on something good is to tell others about it, so that even if you forget they’ll remind you.  So spread the word and be blessed 🙂




59 Comments Add yours

  1. pippakin says:

    Depends on the fight and on the harm done I prefer to move on and almost always have…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. nanami20 says:

      Thats very nice of you:)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is so true and the message is digested so much easier with humour. Love this post. Thank you as well for visiting my blog. Oliana

    Liked by 1 person

    1. nanami20 says:

      my pleasure:)


  3. Genuine Poetry says:

    Adorable! good points all!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. rgayer55 says:

    I can see why you were nominated for a Sunshine Award. This blog definitely has a “feel good” effect on the reader. Congrats.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. nanami20 says:

      Oh Thankyou so much :)It’s very nice of you to say that:) Stay blessed:)


  5. Im not a fighter I would rather divert before the fighting begins. Sometimes I wish I was a lion but the tabby with the glasses will have to do, because Im closer to the age of a granny now and just have to settle with the fact Im an encourager….. love your kitty post and take on forgiving. Some I keep and forgive, some I just let go until one day they realise I am not part of their stressful world anymore.


    1. nanami20 says:

      I wish I was like you :)Thankyou for liking 🙂


      1. I love your take on life.


  6. Dilip says:

    Good one! Yes I realized this truth some years ago and oh boy what a relief! 🙂
    You forgive for your own self not for others. Cheers!


  7. Pamela says:

    God! You are a completely cat-alytic comedian!! 😉
    You can make me laugh even after receiving the report card of my finals!lollol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. nanami20 says:

      hahaha Thanx 🙂


      1. Mohenjo says:

        You are most welcome!


  8. BroadBlogs says:

    Love the pics!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. restlessjo says:

    Adorable! 🙂


  10. Forgiving sets you free and brings peace. Enjoyed your post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. 18mitzvot says:

    This is a beautiful post: good advice and funny kittens. Well done. Thank you for sharing.


    1. nanami20 says:

      :)Thankyou 😉


  12. A message of truth and what a delightful presentation! I love all of your pictures and gifs! Adorable! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. nanami20 says:

      Thankyou so much:)

      Liked by 1 person

  13. How did someone so young become so wise? I completely agree with all that you’ve said and wish I had such beautiful pictures on my blog as you do here. It’s better to live in the moment and not hold on to anger, for none of us is perfect and we all need forgiveness at some point in our lives. Which makes me think, I hope that your advice means forgiving yourself also. That seems to be a tough one for many of us. 😉
    So glad to have found your blog. Thank you for following Tovarysh.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. nanami20 says:

      The wisdom comes from reading The HOLY QURAN. cuz it prohibits backbiting and urges to forgive:)Thankyou so much for liking :)People like you make me wanna write more ,really appreciate your comment 🙂 Thankyou so much:)


  14. Thanks for coming by and visiting. I luv your blog. Your photos are entertaining and love how you’ve put everything together. Great job.


    1. nanami20 says:

      THankyou so much:)


  15. sagedoyle says:

    I am awarding you the Sunshine Award. There are also 6 awards I’m offering to all my readers, which you can take any or all of those. If you don’t accept awards, sorry about that, it’s just my way of saying thank you for coming by. For more details, please view this post Take care, Sage


    1. nanami20 says:

      Thankyou soo muuuuchhh 🙂


      1. sagedoyle says:

        You’re welcome 🙂


  16. i love reading this.. i like the humor and the truth it gives 🙂 nice post


  17. marcginsburg says:

    Hi. I’ve been meaning to write you forever since I learned you are following my blog and I only have a minute to say something. This is a very beautiful post. I’ve got to learn how to incorporate pictures. I’m so old-fashioned. Anyway, I need to share the amazing benefits of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with someone before I go to sleep tonight because of a promise I maade myself, so I hope, nanami20, you’ll oblige me. You speak of learning to forgive. And I know where that has come from in my life. What’s amazing is that before I started chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, I was too scared to forgive. It meant that I would be undoing who I was and that people would hate me even more for being inconsistent. That was the insanity that ruled my life. I am glad that there are so many people here who seem to have mastered the art of humanism and love without chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. So why am I telling you about it if it seems you don’t nneed it? For two reasons? #1, there are so many areas of a person’s life and while we may have mastered many of them, there are always some left, so why not strive to expand our life in those areas too? For the truth is, nothing is impossible to one who elevates one’s life condition to the state of Buddhahood that is the natural and automatic effect of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. So maybe you have a dream of something you’d like to accomplish but you’ve decided your life can only go so far. That is one reason you can chant, to accomplish that. And the amazing thing, as in my case, is that so many other benefits will come that you hadn’t even chanted for.
    And reason #2 I think is the bigger one. Okay. You and all your blog followers are great forgivers. And perhaps, through having the good fortune to come upon this blog, many more people will learn to forgive where they had held a grudge before. But we still live in a world with so many people, many of whom think nothing of wasting whole nations, whole groups of people that contain many families. Clearly, we as a whole human race, still have a long way to go. It is for this reason that Nichiren, who discovered this secret in the depths of the Buddhist writings in the 13th century, told many people about this truth, at the risk of his own life and most often lacking in personal comfort. This self-less dedication enabled many people today to hear and learn about this teaching and it is now practiced in 192 countries around the world. People who suffered with all kinds of hellish lives were able to turn those lives around, people who I suspect many of you reading this would find it hard to forgive, saying those people are different than the people in my life who I get into fights with yet I can still forgive. Yet, as Buddhism teaches, no one is separate from our life, and true peace and happiness cannot come about for any of us if anyone else among us on this planet is suffering. This is why we need a practice as powerful as chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. So that all those other people for whom it is impossible to forgive, to give, to love, like myself before I chanted, can break through the deadlock separating them from the more loving bunch among us, such as those who are frequenting this blog. But don’t take my word for it. Try it out yourself. For you cannot say it does not work or it’s not for you unless you give it a trial run and find it to be so. That would be unscientific. Here’s a great link to help encourage you if my words haven’t:
    I thank you for listening, nanami20 and friends, and I hope our friendship grows to great heights and we can explore great depths together.
    With love and an open heart,


    1. nanami20 says:

      Thankyou so much for your comment :)Really appreciate it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    2. marcginsburg says:

      Hi! Thank you so much for responding favorably. That is exactly what a bodhisattva of the earth (a true practitioner of Buddhism based on the story of innumerable people suddenly emerging from the depths.of.the earth and.pledging to propagate the Lotus Sutra (Myoho-renge-kyo) after the Buddha’s passing). Nichiren said the Lotus Sutra contains few words of truth but many of praise. Whenever you praise another.person you are praising a Buddha because all people without exception are Buddhas. So congratulations! You are amassing tons of amazing good fortune! I can only imagine how massively increased your good fortune will be when you embrace and start chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.


  18. Mustang.Koji says:

    We can see you may be a fan of Ghibli… I don’t recall how many times I watched them all with my children.


    1. nanami20 says:

      I am a great fan of ghilibi and animes ;)Used to watch heidi with my mom 🙂


  19. Is it possible to forgive but not forget?
    I don’t want to make the same mistake twice. 😉


    1. nanami20 says:

      if you dont wanna forget dont (being bitten twice can hurt :P).but dont take revenge 🙂


  20. leamuse says:

    Forgiving is not a problem and I do. There were things to horrendous to forget and I don’t. Yet there were many I blocked out for mere survival for many years. There are some things that should not be forgotten least they be repeated. I sleep very well and am fortunate to have some wonderful friends in my adopted country.
    I love your kitties!
    Thank you for choosing to follow one of my blogs. I do hope you continue to enjoy the posts.


    1. nanami20 says:

      I will Thanx:)


  21. Cute, and so true!


  22. Candia says:

    Thanks for following. We have a similar view on Forgiveness- please see ‘The Forgiveness Window’ poem in my Poetry section, if you have time.
    Keep up the encouragement!


    1. nanami20 says:

      THanx 🙂


  23. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:


  24. jannatwrites says:

    Forgiveness can be difficult… we certainly tend to judge others more harshly than we wish to be judged! When we are wronged, it is a heavy burden and we really harm ourselves by refusing forgiveness.

    Liked by 1 person

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